Our Missions

“Go tell everyone the news that God’s kingdom has come.”

Our Missions

Church Missionary Society

Church Missionary Society

Mission for October



The QNNSW Branch of CMS is a fellowship of Christians dedicated to our vision of having a world that knows Jesus.  We partner with churches to set apart, equip and support carefully selected long term workers who share the gospel of Jesus across cultures.

We encourage churches and supporters to faithfully participate in global mission through fervent prayer, active engagement and generous support.  We look forward to working with you to see God bring many more people into his kingdom.

Engaging in mission

For information or to speak with someone about engaging in mission, please contact the CMS QLD with Northern NSW Branch Office on 07 3171 3020 or qld@cms.org.au

Some of the services we offer include:

  • Consulting with churches about mission strategy
  • Exploring and preparing for long-term mission
  • Short-term mission opportunities and Go!Explore mission teams
  • Mission training and development

“As you go into all the world make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to do all things I have commanded you”.

Matthew 28:20

God loves his world. Jesus sent his disciples to tell the world of him.

St Peters’ Armidale supports missions. To the right is a list of the missions we are associated with and the month that we have decided to focus on each one respectively.

Our task as a church is to keep the work of the disciples going. Here are some things you can do to help get involved in supporting missions:

  • Think prayerfully about doing God’s work overseas, elsewhere in Australia or right here at home.
  • Pray for all mission organisations and for individual missionaries.
  • Read regular mission news and missionaries’ prayer letters.
  • Encourage missionaries by writing to them.
  • Give regularly to the mission organisation of your choice through the offertory envelopes or by direct giving, and respond to special projects.

If you would like to be involved in actively supporting a mission and helping get information about it into the church, please contact us at the Parish Office and we can help you get there.

Date Mission Next Dinner
January Reserved -
February Armidale Youth Futures -
March Eye Openers -
April Bush Church Aid -
May Church Missionary Society -
June YL New England -
July Bush Church Aid -
August YL New England -
September North Kigezi -
October Church Missionary Society -
November Bible Society -
December Reserved -

Other Organisations & Missions

Individuals and groups within the Cathedral, support other organisations, including: